Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Missed Church? Download It to Your IPod.

Published: August 29, 2005
NY Times

Kyle Lewis, 25, missed going to church one Sunday last month. But he did not miss the sermon.

Mr. Lewis, who regularly attends services of the National Community Church in Alexandria, Va., listened to the sermon while he was at the gym, through a recording he had downloaded to his iPod. Instead of listening to the rock music his gym usually plays, he heard his pastor's voice.

"Having an iPod is a guaranteed way to get the sermon if you're going to be out of town," Mr. Lewis said, adding that he listens to the pastor's podcast at least once more during the week, usually while driving to work, even during weeks he makes it to services.

The Rev. Roderick Vonhögen has 10,000 listeners.

Read article: Missed Church? Download It to Your IPod

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Wakamaru Bot at Your Service

SAN FRANCISCO -- Pretty soon, a robot named Wakamaru may become a fixture in the homes of elderly Japanese who have no one else to look after them.

The robot, which recently wheeled around to greet guests at the Embedded Systems Conference, is still in development. But it has the potential to replace a human caretaker in Japan, where robotic technology is embraced and the graying of the population has left many young people wondering who will care for their parents.

Read article: Wakamaru Bot at Your Service

Friday, August 26, 2005

Your Mickey Phone

Source: AkihabaraNews